Purim Particulars
- Details
- Created: 19 February 2015
What |
Why |
When |
Shabbat Zachor Fulfilling the mitzvah of remembering & never forgetting the danger of Amalek even today |
According to most authorities, it is a mitzvah d’oraita (directly from the Torah) to hear Parashat Zachor which describes Amalek’s attack on B’nai Yisrael after they left Egypt. We read this section from the Torah on the Shabbat that precedes Purim since Haman was a descendant of Amalek whose ideology is the antitheses of Judaism. |
Saturday February 28th 10:30 a.m. |
Ta’anit Esther Dawn to dusk fast |
Prior to appearing uninvited before the King, Esther and all of Shushan’s Jews fasted for three days. Additionally, the Jews fasted on the day that they battled their enemies. By fasting, we de-emphasize our physical needs and focus on our ability to control our own behavior. |
Wednesday March 4th 5:19am-6:46pm |
Machatzit Hashekel Donating three half dollars |
When the Beit Hamikdash (Temple) stood, a month before Pesach, every Jewish male over twenty would contribute a half-shekel as dues for the coming Temple year, which began in Nissan. To commemorate this, we donate three half dollars to the shul for each family member. |
Wednesday March 4th All day |
Megillat Esther Reading/hearing the Story of Esther |
In order to celebrate Jewish unity and our shared history, it is customary for both men and women to come together to read/hear the Megillah from a hand written scroll on Purim, both night and day. |
Wed.-Thus. March 4th-5th 6:45pm 7:30am 4:45pm |
Al Hanissim Special Purim prayer |
In the evening, morning and afternoon services, as well as in the grace after meals, we insert an additional paragraph expressing our gratitude to the Almighty for the miraculous salvation of our ancestors on Purim. |
Wed.-Thus. March 4th-5th All day |
Mishloah Manot Sending gift baskets |
After their victory over Haman and his supporters, the Jews sent food to each other in order to nurture friendship and a sense of community. Similarly, we send two types of ready-to-eat food to at least one friend. |
Thursday March 5th All day |
Matanot L’evyonim Gifts to the poor |
In celebration of their victory over Haman, the Jews provided financial assistance to the poor. Similarly, we give tzedaka to at least two needy people. These funds should be in addition to one’s yearly tzedaka allocation. |
Thursday March 5th All day |
Seudat Purim Festive Purim meal |
Since the salvation of Purim was of a physical nature, in that the Jews were saved from annihilation, it is customary to eat a festive meal with family and friends providing enjoyment to our physical senses. |
Thursday March 5th All day |
Ad D’lo Yada Having a l’chaim…or two |
One of the major components of the salvation on Purim involves drinking. Therefore, one is encouraged to imbibe a little more than usual. |
Thursday March 5th All day |
Shushan Purim Purim in Walled Cities |
The Jews of Shushan were granted an extra day to fight off their enemies, so they celebrated their victory on the day after everyone else. Therefore, all walled cites from that time observe Purim a day later. |
Friday March 6th All day |